Friday, September 23, 2011

Hebrew Bible: The Ten Commandments

But first...
The Book of the Covenant, Part 2
Exodus 23Festivals -- the first commandment for festivals
  1. The Feast of Unleavened Bread
    1. in reference to the flight from Egypt, when the bread was not given time to rise
    2. later associated with the Passover
  2. The Feast of the Harvest
    1. a.k.a. the Feast of the Firstfruits
    2. celebrated when harvest began
  3. The Feast of Ingathering
    1. celebreated at the end of the harvest season
    2. later associated with the Feast of Tabernacles
verse 19:  Why were the Israelites commanded not to boil a lamb in its mother's milk?
    Possible reasons:
  • the symbolic meanings of life in the milk and death of the lamb
  • good practice in animal husbandry (concerning reproductive health)
  • differentiation from Canaanite cuisine
verse 22:  God swore to protect the Israelites if they were obedient to Him.  Unlike the required obedience in this new covenant, the Patriarchs only needed to believe to be blessed.  Still, this may simply be due to the audience God was speaking to.
        The Ten Commandments and the Book of the Covenant are much like a Middle Eastern treaty -- note the display in 24:7 and the witnesses in 24:11 (the elders on the mountain with Moses).

The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20 vs. Deuteronomy 5

Similar commandments:
  1. no other gods before the Lord
  2. no idols
  3. no bowing down to idols
  4. no abuse of the Lord's name (swearing upon it)
  5. **different** Sabbath commandment
  6. honor father and mother
  7. no murder
  8. no adultery
  9. no stealing
  10. no bearing false witness (perjury)
  11. **different** coveting commandment

Exodus 20                                                          Deuteronomy 5           
"remember the Sabbath and keep it holy"          "observe the Sabbath and keep it holy" 
   Creation as basis (resting on the 7th day)                             Exodus as basis                   

               no coveting neighbor's house                               no coveting a neighbor's wife                      
no coveting neighbor's possessions (including wife)             no coveting neighbor's possessions        

Why TEN Commandments??
  •  Scripture attests to "ten words" of the covenant
    • religous authorites have combined some commandments into one
    • see chart with Exodus 20 in NRSV Bible
One last note:  rabbis establish their authority in the interpretation of the Torah (e.g. "safeguards," attesting to the process of passing down of the Torah (God --> Moses --> Joshua --> elders --> prophets --> teachers/rabbis)


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