Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hebrew Bible: Siani Theophany

Exodus:  Escape from Egypt
          Siani Theophany
Thought to ponder:  Which tradition is more important to the development of the Israelite nation?

Middle Eastern Vassal Treaties:  treaty in which a powerful patron protects a protege, and the protege  
                                                      must serve the patron
  1. Preamble -- where the patron established his own qualifications
  2. Historical Prologue -- an explanation of why the patron is patron over the vassal (like the Exodus)
  3. Stipulations -- where the patron lays out the terms of the covenant for both sides
  4. Display -- where both sides see the treaty (?)
  5. Witnesses  -- where witnesses from both "sides" are stated
  6. Curses/Blessings -- dependent on stipulations; acts of the patron (e.g. Persian box torture :) )
The structure of the biblical covenant is much like the typical Middle Eastern treaties, especially those of the Hittites.  This gives evidence that the covenant was written during the same time as the Hittite treaties.

Two Theories of when the Covenant was historically established:
  1. The Israelites actually had the entire covenant during their wandering in the desert, but then they forgot it.  King Josiah later found it and reinstated it.  Finally, the prophets call the people to return to the covenant.
  2. The Israelites never had the covenant in the desert.  Instead, it was established either during the Babylonian Exile or during the reign of King Josiah.  The prophets attempt to enforce the new covenant.
What happened at Mount Siani?
     Moses goes up and down the the mountain SEVERAL TIMES to hear :from God.  This is a theophany!  (a.k.a. a manifestation of YHWH)
     The events are recorded in both Exodus and Deuteronomy.

Exodus 19:  God tells Moses to get the people ready for a community theophany
Exodus 20:  The Ten Commandments, a.k.a. the Decalogue
  • Henotheism is a possibility; that is, the belief in several gods, but they are all "inconsequential" in comparison to one God.
  • Did God perhaps have a wife in Ancient Israel (Asherah)?
Exodus 21-24:  The Book of the Covenant
  • Verse 1 established the new "book"
  • consisted of many legal regulations
  • alleged to the fact that slavery dealt with economy
  • established laws realistic to that society
    • Laws appear to be for a sedentary people
    • Does this mean that covenant came once the Israelites were a formal nation?

  • Death Penalty Requirements:
    • killing another human (striking mortally)
    • striking a parent
    • kidnapping
    • cursing parents
    • speaking against the leader

  • Just punishment sought to be established ("eye for an eye," etc.), compared to the barbarity of the culture.
Exodus 22:29-30 -- support for sacrificing firstborn sons??  See Exodus 35. 

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