Monday, September 19, 2011

Hebrew Bible: Exodus, Part 1

"Exodus" -- Greek; from the Vulgate "the exodus from Egypt"
"Shemot" (she-mote) -- Hebrew; from the opening phrase of the book

Documentary Hypothesis

  • all four authors represented
  • however, the authors are difficult to separate
  • possibly a good work of a redactor
God's Role and Location
  • not as personal; only speaks to Moses
  • dwells "amongst His host"
  • dwells atop mountains
    • Horeb
      • site of burning bush (in Midian)
    • Siani
      • name similar to "bush" in Hebrew
      • located either in Siani Peninsula or southern Jordan
    • possibly two traditions??
A totally different Religion
  • no altars or "setting up stones"
  • people more apt to lose faith
  • institution of the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread
  • golden calf (later)
  • a nation relates to God as a whole -- not as the individual patriarchs did
  • NO evidence of a mass exodus and large military defeat in Egyptian history
  • however, slavery escapes were historical during the 13th century BCE
  • date:
    • biblical -- 15th century BCE
    • slavery, escapes, Pi-Ramses -- 13th century BCE
    • possible writing of the story, when Ramses was city name (see below) -- 10th century BCE
  • cities where the Israelites worked:
    • Pitnam (no historical record)
    • Ramses (name of city in 10th century BCE)
  • After exodus -- no influx of Egyptian ideas or culture in Mesopotamia
  • "child" or "son of" in Egyptian
    • name given by Egyptian Pharaoh's daughter
    • e.g. "ra-moses" means "son of god Ra"
  • "Mashah" means "pulled out" in Hebrew
    • another theory as to where the name comes from
How is the story used?  What did it mean to the Israelites?
  • to establish their national identity
  • to tell a story of victory over Egypt
  • to show how God sent plagues to establish authority over Egyptian gods
  • to explain religious rituals
  • to explain the revelation of the Law
  • to build the Tabernacle (like a tent) in which God dwelt
Exodus 3 -- Moses' Call
     "I am who I am" or "I will be who I will be" (Hebrew)
     YHWH means "to be/being"
     both names have the same root
     Is this God's real name revealed?

Exodus 4:24-26 -- God tries to kill Moses
  • Zipporah is the hero by cutting off her son's foreskin
  • "feet" refers to genitals (Hebrew)
  • meanings:
    • importance of circumcision?
    • to legitimate Egyptian son and/or wife?
  • Is God actually trying to kill the son?
Homework:  Read Collins, chap 6 and Exodus 19-24, 40.

Have a great day :)  sorry these are not as pretty as usual!

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