Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hebrew Bible: Ancestor History

Ancestor History
Genesis 12-22
Primeval History:  history of the whole world
Ancestor History:  history of the origins of Israel

Stories of the Patriarchs
The Fathers of Israel:
  • Abram ("Av-ram," "exalted/distinguished father;" later "Av-raham," "father of multitude")
  • Issac ("he laughs")
  • Jacob ("Aqav," "heel" -- refering to deception begining in the womb)
Form Criticism:
   originated from Gunkel (focus on genres and literary forms)
   "Sitz im leben" -- how the text "sits in place" in the societal context
   the focus of Form Criticism is on the cultural/social context rather than the hisorical accuracy

Social Context:
   These stories are thought tell the origins of Israel.  Even so, these stories are mythical (focusing on the sacred and the impact on society), demosntrating the ideas that were most important to the Israelites.  According to the text, the patriarchs were living in Canaan (modern-day Palestine).
These stores also explain the origins of other nations --
          The Ismaelites, decendents of Abraham through concubine Hagar, were later referred to a                Muslims.
          The Moabites and Amorites, decendents of Abraham's nephew Lot, were supposedly originated from intercourse between Lot and his daughters.
Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of their inhospitality.

   Documentary Hypothesis:
  • The (J) source -- circa 1000 BCE -- focused on stories from the lower half of Israel
  • The (E) source -- around the same time? -- focued on stories from the upper half of Israel
  • The (P) source is most recognizable in the circumcision account; these origins are clear, since the Babylonians did not practice circumcision -- so this passage would have been written during the Israelites' exile to Babylon  
  • Note:  the difference in (J) and (E) may stem from the split of the Israelite nation during the reign of                        the kings, around 922 BCE.
Functions of the Stories:
  1. To explain the origins of the Israelites
    1. the Israelites are not native to the land promised to them
    2. rather, the Israelites are from Ur in southern Mesopotamia
    3. the term Hebrew commonly referred to outsiders and outcasts
  2. To explain who the Israelites are NOT
    1. not Canaanites
    2. not aa wide-range of other nations (Philistines, Ammonites, etc.)
  3. To explain that the Israelites are chosen by God
    1. the Israelites were therefore more special/authoritative than the other nations
    2. God promised "land and children" to the Patriarchs
  4. To explain how the Israelites got into Egypt, prior to the Exodus
    Note:  a Theophany is like a "God-given epiphany;" a realization of God, e.g. at Mount Siani

A Strange Religion:
     Why did the Patriarchs practice a religion that was later rebuked by the Levitical law?
  • Abraham often made sacrifices/memorials to God near "special trees," a term which possibly refers to the pagan goddess Asherah.
  • The Patriarchs often set up stones to mark a place of meeting with God (sites of Theophany).  These stones would be dedicated to a certain name of God, like El-Shaddai, El-Olam, El-Roi, etc.  However, Judaism later ordered that such memorial stones be torn down.
Note:  El-Shaddai was also the name of the "Most High" Canaanite god, whose priest was Melchezidek.)
  • The Patriarchal society may have practiced child sacrifice, an act common among other nations at that time, and even though prophets and the law condemned such sacrifice, the practice throughout the time of the Kings.


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