Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hebrew Bible: Ancestors, Part 2

Ancestor History -- Genesis 23-50

**Note: always look to Blackboard for Homework Assignments!**

Abraham's Death and Sarah's Death (Gen 23 & 25)
  • some scholars argue that Sarah died from being so shook up about Abraham nearly sacrificing her only son
  • Abraham buys a cave -- the closest fulfillment of God's promise of land thus far. (This also reflects the semi-nomadic lifestyle of people at that time.)
  • All Israelites eventually end up in Egypt
  • Unresolved Question:  How is the "land and children" promise going to be fulfilled?
  • Rebekah is married to Isaac (Gen 24)
    • Abraham (Isaac's father) sends a servant out to the land of his kindred to find a wife for Isaac (verse 4)
    • The importance here is that Isaac's wife could NOT be a Canaanite.
    • Rebekah was Laban's sister 
  • Leah and Rachel are married to Jacob (Gen 29-30)
    • Jacob worked 7 years for Rachel, but he first received Leah as his wife.
    • Irony was that Jacob the Trickster was tricked himself.
    • He worked another 7 years for Rachel. 
    • These women had a competition for berthing children!
      • Leah:  7 + 2
      • Rachel:  2 + 2
Esau (Gen 25 and 27)
  • older twin of Jacob (sons of Isaac)
  • lost his birthright to Jacob via deception
  • Importance of the relational outcomes:  etiology of Jacob's favor/importance with God
  • Esau's descendants were called Edomites, because they were red like him.

Jacob and the Ladder to Heaven (Gen 28)
  • Jacob is on his way to Haran in Mesopotamia.
  • He uses a stone as a pillow (significance of a "holy stone"!)
  • Jacob dreams of a ladder to Heaven
    • Angels move up and down
    • God speaks with him, continuing his promise/covenant to Jacob and his descendants.
  • Afterward, Jacob sets up his pillow stone an altar-memorial to God
  • Jacob names the place Bethel, meaning "House of God."
Jacob Wrestles with God (Gen 32)
  • Jacob wrestles with either an angel or God, and he won't stop until he is blessed
  • Scholarly focus on "Sitz im leben"
  • Importance:
    • origin of the name "Israel"
    • explanation of why Israelites did not eat the thigh muscle (Jacob's hit went out of joint)
Dinah (Gen 34)
  • pronounced "Dee-nah" in Hebrew 
  • Shechem "seized her and lay with her by force" (verse 2).
    • Shechem was from a clan of Hivites, unrelated to Abraham and his promise.
    • Shechem quite possibly refers to the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel [(E) source].
  • Was Dinah raped or simply involved in extra-marital sex?
  • Ultimately, the issue was that she  was not married to Shechem and had sex with him.
  • Jacob's sons Levi and Simeon (also Dinah's brothers) suggest that Shechem marries Dinah and that all the Hivites get circumcised in order to be included in the Israelite clan.
  • However!  While the men were all sore from circumcision, the brothers went in and murdered all the men.
  • [Ambiguous ending] 
  • Unresolved Question: What was the significance and meaning of this story?

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