Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rural Sociology: Franklin County

Methamphetamine Epidemic
Franklin County, Missouri
  • "America's Crystal Meth Epidemic"
  • Case Study of Meth in Franklin County, Missouri
    • percent of population involved in small
    • What are the characteristics of meth production?
    • What are the consequences for individuals, law enforcement, and communities?
Case Study:  Franklin County, Missouri
  1. What happened to Mike Murphy?
    1. explosion
    2. would have died except that he was evac'ed to hospital
    3. blind and partly deaf
    4. effect on family
    5. not charged with the crime (because of injury)
  2. How did people report they got started making and/or using meth?
    1. peer pressure
    2. family influences
    3. employers suggest meth to employees
  3. What are the dangers of making meth?
    1. ingredients are easy to obtain
    2. google gives many recipes!
    3. burning during cooking process
    4. breathing in the fumes is dangerous
  4. What are the dangers of using meth?
    1. paranoia and hallucinations
    2. family members are hurt/negatively affected
    3. physically--teeth
  5. Why do people get involved in making and/or using meth?
  6. Educational and economic levels
Tennessee:  The police seized nearly 2100 meth labs last year -- a 45 % increase over the 2009 levels and more than any other state (2011).

Case Study Movie notes -- Franklin County
  • just under 100,000 people
  • meth reaches all people of a community
  • uses ammonia and over-the-counter pills
  • Mike Murphy
    • started meth after 8th grade
    • marijuana before that
    • older man showed introduced him to meth
    • pot of meth catches on fire and tank exploded on him -- severe injury
    • blind in both eyes
    • deaf in one ear
    • scars for life
  • Why here?
    • agricultural communities and available chemicals
    • can be made in home
  • much crime follows meth
  • paranoia common
  • kids born with meth in their system :(
  • "cooking" process
    • 10lbs of waste for 1lb of meth
    • toxic fumes to breathe in
  • make-shift bombs to protect the lab 
  • "a cancer growing from within"
  • whole community is affected
  • feelings of euphoria keeps people making/using drugs
  • intensive drug court
    • write papers
    • community service
    • Cody--meth from ex-girlfriend
    • jail time or drug court
  • Eric
    • physical toll
      • "meth mouth"
      • tooth decay
      • dentists highly needed
    • first hit at 16
    • dentures made him feel much more confident about his teeh
  • Mark Hyndrich
    • first hit at 15 (?)

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