Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hebrew Bible: Job

The Writings
The Book of Job
Religion and Its Monsters, Timothy K. Beal
God:  a Biography; "Confrontation and Fiend", Jack Miles
Paper due:  December 12th by  11:59pm

    a response to Wisdom literature:  do good and blessings will follow
(Qoheleth is another response)
  • Job is from Uz, in the East -- NOT an Israelite
  • very wealthy and big family, great reputation
  • God brags about Job's devotion to the Adversary
    • "He's only great because nothing bad has ever happened to him" -- hasatan
    • the wager:  hasatan thinks he can break Job's devotion so that he curses God
    • hasatan's infliction
      • loses possessions and family -- Job does not curse God
      • boils and extremely poor health
  • friends come to "comfort" Job
    • Job must have done something sinful
    • because God is ultimately just
    • friends speak and Job responds
    • Job stands beside his innocence
      • Job 21:1-7, 17 -- friends "mock;" Job's impatience; good things happen to the wicked
      • Where is God's justice?
  • God comes in a whirlwind
    • God's answer:  "I am all-powerful"
    • justice not addressed
    • Job's response
      • Job 42:1-6 -- "I cannot speak"
    • God asserts that Job is right and his friends are wrong
      • why?
  • Job is restored to his wealth and new family
Religion and Monsters -- Beal
  • Job wants to conjure up chaos 
    • undoing what God has done, e.g. creating him
    • suffering = undoing
    • true suffering cannot be escaped -- Beal
    • Job wants to die
  • God watches Job from the panopticon -- 
    • derived from the idea of a whole prison which can be seen from one point all the time\
    • likewise, Job cannot escape God's gaze
  • conjure
    • Yam
    • Leviathan
    • chaos, in general
      • an opposition to Genesis
      • "let there be darkness"
      • **chaos is the only answer to Job's intense suffering
    • God's response
      • He "out-monsters" Job -- Beal
      • God controls the chaos monsters
      • Leviathan
        • a huge sea dragon
        • in some cases in Scripture, God creates it
        • other cases, God conquers it
        • 41:9-11 -- use of pronouns
          • talk of self and talk of self
          • "who can take a stand before me"
          • **God can out-chaos Job (or anyone else) -- Beal  
        • has harpoons and fishing spears
        • has animal parts, fish and human parts
        • very strong
        • "classificatory obfuscation" -- descriptions don't fit together!!
          • cannot be understood
          • "a linguistic smokescreen"
          • supporting God's sovereignty and power
        • according to rabbinic Judaism, when the Messiah returns, God will hold a feast of Leviathan
God:  A Biography, Miles
  • focuses on Job's responses to God's speech from the whirlwind
    • pg 317 -- in first response Job just gives up (Jerusalem Translation)
    • Mile's translation
      • "you haven't answered my question!"
      • in essence, Job rests his case
  • if asking why is God unjust, then God "royally changes the subject"
    • no direct answer to the question of justice
    • rather, God asks his own questions and asserts his power
  • Job's second response
    • what does it mean to repent?
    • "to turn around" -- in Hebrew
    • ketiv and qere
      • "write" and "read"
      • the Masoretes distinguish the differences between the actual text and how it ought to be read
      • a more literal answer:
    • "now that i see you, I shudder for mortal clay"
      • no repentance
      • Job terrified for humanity because he is greatly disappointed with the God he sees  -- Miles
  • basically, Job is sarcastic:  so what if You're powerful?
also see A Serious Man, the movie

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