Monday, August 29, 2011

Hebrew Bible Day 4: Ancient Middle East

HW:  Read chapter 3 in Collins; read Genesis essay in Bible

The Ancient Middle East

focus:  Mesopotamia, a.k.a. the "Fertile Cresent"
  • Historical Divisions
    • Neolithic (stone tools) ~ 8000-4000 BCE
    • Bronze Age (copper + tin tools) ~ 3200 - 1200 BCE
    • Iron Age (iron tools) ~ 3200-1200 BCE
  • The Bronze Age
    • Sumerians developed the first writing system
      • cuneiform (of cubes)
      • on clay tablets
      • Akkadian language 
    • Egyptians developed hieroglyphics and build pyramids

Eurpoean Rediscovery
  1. 1800s -- Napolean goes to Egypt and finds the Rosetta Stone
    1. composed of:
      1. hieroglyphics
      2. demotic (?) language - common Egyptian language
      3. Greek
    2. code cracked by Champolllion in 1822
  2. Babylonia unearthed in the 1800s
    1.  tablets of cuneiform found
    2. Akkadian decifered (1950s)
  3. Ugarite (1929)
    1. clay tablets of cuneiform found
    2. the language was close to Hebrew and Arabian
These artifacts tell us about the historical and cultural concepts of time period in which they were created.


Myth:  a story (Gr), often a "sacred story," that reveals what was important in the culture at that time
           e.g. Enuma Elish and the parallels to the story of Adam and Eve

Documentary Hypothesis -
concerning the Torah/Pentateuch
  • Spinoza argued that the Torah could not have been written by Moses and was instead written by Ezra.
  • John Astruc, the father of the Documentary Hyphothesis, noticed the difference in the names of God.
    • Elohim (God)
    • YHWH
  • Four "Authors"
    • (J) - God is YHWH
    • (E) - God is Elohim
    • (P) - priestly writings
    • (D) - Deuteronomist writtings
    • (R) - redactions

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