- The Bible
- oldest versions
- codexes (scrolls are not a single codex)
- Codex Vaticanus
- Codex Siniticus
- Codex Alexandrina
- written in the 4th and 5th centuries CE
- in Greek (supporting that these were Christian documents
- Septuagint ~ 3rd century BCE
- Allepo Codex
- 10th century CE
- complete Bible with vowells
- stolen; now in Jerusalem
The Bible is clearly redacted, that is, been edited and organized together.
- The Bible
- Source Criticism
- Wellhausen
- looking at the sources who wrote the biblical accounts
- looking at changes in literary style
- the "register"
- language and vocabulary
- Form Criticism
- Gunkel
- looking at genres and literary forms
- "sitz in laben": where the literature "sits in place" in society
- Redaction Criticism
- looking at large chunks of the Bible
- looking at the reasons behind the choices of arrangements
- Archeology
- Albright
- e.g. Jericho inconsistency
- either verifies or discounts biblical records
- fills out the text, esp. the social and cultural aspects
- Literary Criticism
- looking at the text as a whole
- reading the text closely
- looking at how people have interpreted the text
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