Daniel and 1-4 Maccabees
Final Papers: DUE MONDAY 12/12 BY 11:59PM
Absolutely no papers will be accepted late. If all else fails, submit a paper with simply "land and children" and receive a D. :)
Remember to check Blackboard, and write out 8 pages (and no more).
Final Exam: THURSDAY 12/15 FROM 3-5, SAME ROOM
On Wednesday, all the questions for the final will be posted on Blackboard.
Daniel and Maccabees -- same time period; same social and religious issues
Post-Persian History
- Alexander the Great
- conquered the ancient world ~ 330 BCE
- died in 323 BCE
- split kingdom between two generals
- Ptolemies, ruling from Egypt, had control over Palestine (Jewish land) from 323-198 BCE
- Seleucids, ruling from Syria, had control over Palestine starting in 198 BCE
- Antiochus IV Epiphanes
- son of the Seleucid king who overtook Palestine
- ruled from 174-164 BCE
- the name Epiphanes was self-given name glorifying his "incarnation of wisdom and piety"
- in actuality, Antiochus was like an Ancient Hitler
- he sold the position of high priesthood to the highest bidder
- Jason paid to be the high priest; he urged Hellenization (Greek culture)
- opened a gymnasium in Jerusalem
- for exercise
- men exercised nude --> circumcision deemed abbrasive to the "perfect body" ideal of the Greeks
- Jews stop circumcising
- others have reversals....
- opened a school of thought in Jerusalem
- encouraged worship of Greek god Dionysus in Israelite temple
- hoped that Jerusalem would become like the shining Greek example of Polis
- Internal priestly skirmish seen as a revolt against Grecian rule
- Antiochus reacted by desecrating the Israelite temple
- took sacred dishes and tools (?)
- supposedly sacrified a pig to his god there
- he outlawed Judaism and ordered everyone to worship Zeus
- his actions paved the way for the Maccabean revolt
- Mattathias violently attempted to stop Hellenization
- Judah, his son, effectively led a revolt agains Antiochus' rule
- Israelite local rule lasted from 167-63 BCE
- Maccabee family ruled until Pompeii (Rome) conqured in 63 BCE
Chapters 1-6 -- court tales (like short stories)
Chapters 7-12 -- Apocalypses (Gr. "Revelation"). Two types:
-- revelation of the heavens
-- often symbolic revelation of end times, either historical events or "The End" (like Daniel)
Chapters 2-7 Aramaic; the rest in Hebrew. One Theory as to why:
-- ch. 1 composed later
-- 2-6 independent tales (circulating in Persia, Aramaic being the local language)
-- 7 written in Aramaic to tie in the later apocalypses
-- 11-12 are appended apocalypses (in Hebrew)
Dating: ch. 2-6 -- 5th century BCE (that is, after the Persians but before the Greeks)
ch. 7-12 -- much later
Daniel's apocalypses
- statue of metals describe political history
- gold = Babylon;
- other metals are Media, Persia, Greece, and Ptolemies/Seleucids
- little horn = Antiochus
- prediction that he will die in Israel
- yet he dies in Persia
- **evidence of ch. 7-12 composition date in 2nd century BCE
- Nebuchadnezzar goes crazy and eats grass
- actually, the final Babylonian king, Nabonidus goes crazy
- but he is cured by conversion to YHWH by a Jewish man
- **first direct reference to resurrection in Hebrew Bible**
- **apocalypses advocate political quietism
- the Jewish practice of NOT revolting
- the idea was that God would intervene, and even if not, resurrection was promised in the end
1 Maccabees
- first written in Hebrew, but since it was lost, the oldest manuscript is in Greek
- covers 185-135 BCE (before Antiochus)
- **gives details of the revolt
- heroes are the Maccabees
- not in cannon -- probably because of the advocation of rebellion (maybe that's why Daniel is in the cannon instead)
2 Maccabees
- covers same events as 1 Mac, but narrower time frame -- 175-161 BCE
- written in Greek by a man named Jason
- like a summary of the events
- anti-Greek tones
3 Maccabees
- not in the Protestant or even Catholic cannons
- nothing to do with Maccabees!
- **discribes the life of the Diaspora in Egypt
4 Maccabees
- Greek wisdom literature
- discusses the revolt
Daniel additions
- in the furnace -- a pslam/prayer added
- Bel and the Dragon (NRSV pg 1552)
- Bel = Babylonian Marduk
- a detective story
- Daniel outwits Bel (?)
- Susana
- saved by Daniel's wisdom
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