Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hebrew Bible: Buried Secrets, Pt. 2

The Bible's Buried Secrets
Part 2
  1. Whose name appears more than any other in the Hebrew Bible?
  2. Where did archeologists discover the "house of David" inscription?
    1. In what language was the inscription?
  3. When do scholars think David lived?
  4. Which is the earliest source, (J) or (E)?
    1. Where was this source from (North or South)?
  5. Where in Jerusalem have archeologists been able to dig?
  6. How do archeologists date old city walls by using pottery?
    1. Why is using pottery not always a reliable method for dating archeological sites?
  7. Does radiocarbon dating support the biblical narrative and chronology?
  8. What is the significance of the six-chambered gates found in Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer?
  9. When did Shishak destroy Gezer?
    1. Does this support biblical chronology?
  10. What is the name of YHWH's wife?
  11. Why does the (P) source emphasize rituals that can be performed at home?
see PBS website for documentary. :)

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